Every day, we wonder how we can face the challenge of a future in which electric power will be a value to protect and use responsibly. Our answer to those important challenges is more than 50 years of expertise in designing and manufacturing Protective Relays and Digital Solutions for safer, more reliable and more intelligent Power Grids. This brand guide is the expression of our vision, a world where human intelligence and technology will merge to create new working systems, products and connections: only through this policy will we enhance our potential for development, growth and progress, and have the opportunity to deal with increasingly interesting issues, contact key clients, improve our skills and employ cutting-edge technologies to develop new products. This is our commitment: to use all our energy for a safer future.


Energy is our strength. It’s the passion that drives us to move forward dynamically and enthusiastically, towards a safer, more protected and brighter future.


Safety is our starting point. It’s the value that embraces everything we do, it’s our main goal, it’s the light that guides us.


The future is in our hands. It’s something we feel responsible for every day, and something we will do our part towards to make safer, brighter and more inclusive for everyone.


The new Thytronic logo – shown here in its entirety – is the restyling of the historic logo chosen by the founder, a graphic synthesis of an electrical circuit. The payoff “Energy for a safer future” highlights the unbreakable bond between the Thytronic brand and a safe, secure future. The logo without the payoff is only to be used if there are problems with visibility, due to either the size of the logo or the type of printing process (e.g. for merchandising). To ensure consistency, the logo must always be produced following the guidelines and operating notes.



Strong, contrasting colours have been chosen to communicate Thytronic’s energetic momentum towards the future: a reassuring blue, representing a leader, strengthened by its past, and a yellow that stands out from the background to symbolise energy, light, the future. The colours that make up Thytronic’s primary palette are Pantone 2377 C and Pantone 129 C. Pantone 7541 C can be used as an accompanying and contrasting colour.
Thytronic #blue

HEX #315473
RGB 49 84 115
CMYK 82 49 18 35

Thytronic #yellow

HEX #F3D148
RGB 243 209 72
CMYK 0 10 80 0

Thytronic #grey

RGB 217 225 242
CMYK 10 3 0 0

Thytronic #yellow

HEX #F3D148
RGB 243 209 72
CMYK 0 10 80 0

Thytronic #grey

RGB 217 225 242
CMYK 10 3 0 0


Proxima Nova is a simple, modern and functional font, suitable for conveying the brand values. It is easy to read in all dimensions. The Thytronic font family, Proxima Nova, is used both for corporate identity and for web communication.



Thytronic Spa | Piazza Mistral, 7 20139 Milano | Tel: +39 02 57495701 | Fax: +39 02 57403763